My first kids book (Hebrew)
When the Corona virus had started to spread, we all freaked out. The kids stopped going school, and had many time to spend at home. My...
Product Manager & Systems Analyst
2022 - Today
Product manager of autonomic vehicle features.
Analyse customer requirements .
Write system and software requirements.
2018 - 2022
Led the Government's Forms' Infrastructure SaaS products:
A Drag & Drop system for generating forms - easy way to provide digital services to civilians through forms
More systems started from scratch: a permissions system, a system for handling submitted forms, a system for managing lists, and a back-office system for monitoring actions
2014 - 2018
Defined feature specification, worked closely with the engineering team of IDF ID Cards' Web System
Implemented and supported Intranet Portals
Led and managed upgrade Portals from SharePoint 2007 to 2013
2012 - 2014
Wrote system requirements of a spatial meteorological system for the artillery corps
Planned experiments in the field to check the data reliability, and analyzed the meteorology system outputs
2006 - 2012
Qualified meteorologist officer, acted as a shift supervisor in the IAF
Analyzed global meteorology models and satellite images and predicted the weather forecast